Thursday 1 August 2019

Gate Architecture sample papers_04

1. Choose the four digit number, in which the product of the first and fourth digits is 40 and the product of the middle digits is 28. The thousands digit is as much less than the unit digit as the hundreds digit is less than the tens digit.
2. A frogs hops and lands exactly 1 meter away at a time. What is the least number of hops required to reach a point 10 cm away?
3. A train running at 36 km/h crosses a mark on the platform in 8 sec and takes 20 sec to cross the platform. What is the length of the platform?
4. Of the following, which is the odd one out?
8. Mahatma Gandhi was known for his humility as
9. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following sentence.He could not understand the judges awarding her the first prize, because he thought that her performance was quite ______
10. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair?      Children : Pediatrician
1. First example of Double Dome in India is exhibited in
2. The oldest temple among the following is 
3. With the increase of vapour pressure in the atmosphere, there will be ____________in temperature of Wet Bulb Thermometer.
4. Unit of ‘Driving Rain’ is 
5. ‘GRIHA’ is developed by
6. Measure of overall disease burden, expressed as the number of years lost due to ill-health, disability or early death is termed as 
7. Target Year for ‘Housing for All’ under PMAY is 
8. ‘AMRUT’ is a 
9. Which of the following City is NOT in HRIDAY scheme.
10. First Heritage city recognised by UNESCO in India is 
11. As per Bureau of Indian standards TDS (Total Dissolved solids) in drinking water must be _________
12. Wastewater that arises from domestic activities such as washing in bathrooms and kitchens, including water from food preparation and dish washing is known as: 
13. Value at the end of utility period without being dismantled is known as 
14. Palace of Versailles, France is an example of Architecture style of:
15. Finger Plan concept of Urban Planning has been adopted in design of 
16. Heating of an organic material, such as biomass, in the absence of oxygen is called
17. Hazen’s- William’s nomogram is used to calculate
18. Maximum CRI (Colour Rendering Index) is for 
19. The SI unit for luminance is
20. Unit of Thermal Conductivity (k) is 
21. By ‘spatial data’ we mean data that has
22. The foundation in which a cantilever beam is provided to join two footings is known as 
23. Concept of satellite town was propagated by 
24. The Venice Charter (1964) led to the establishment of 
25. In a flat slab, the load is transferred through
26. In a housing area of 18.7 Hectares, 1000 residential plots are to be provided. It is contemplated that 50 % of the plots will be A-type. 30 % B-type and 20 % C-type. The B-type plots will be 20 % larger in size than A- type plots and C type plots will be 30 % larger than A-type plots. 15 % of the residential area will be under roads and 25 % area will be used for open space and community facilities. Find the maximum area for ‘A’ type of plots.
27. Find out the quantity of run-off for 70 cm rainfall for an area of 100 Hectares out of which 55 % is residential area, 20 % is under roads and rest of the area is under open space with 30 % paved area. The co-efficient of run off for residential area is 0.6 for roads 0.9 for open space is 0.5 and for paved area is 0.7.
28. An urban area with a population of 2,15,000 is having housing stock of  39,000 and average household  size of 5.0. The city is expected to have a population of 2,70,000 by 2001 with an average family size of 4.5. Estimate the housing demand of the city by 2001 assuming there will be depletion  of existing housing stock by 3,500 during the period.
29. A site in a map drawn to a scale of 1: 16000 measures 75 sq cm. The actual area of the site is
30. In a rectangular room of length 4 m and width 3 m, an electric bulb is to be fixed above the working plane. If the room index is 1, the ideal mounting height of the bulb from the floor should be 
32. For natural illumination, Daylight  is defined as the sum of 
35. A brick wall 19 cm thick has a thermal conductivity 0.811 W/m °C. The outside and inside surface conductance of the wall are 16 W/m² °C and 8 W/m² °C respectively, then the U-value of the wall in W/m² °C is ____________
37. The capacity of a hall is 600 persons and its volume is 3000 cu.m. If an optimum reverberation time of 1.0 second is to be achieved then the required total absorption (m square sabine) is:   
38. The maintenance cost of a building will be Rs 2 lacs after 10 years. The annual sinking fund required for such maintenance @ rate of 6 % interest per annum will be:
39. If maximum allowable FAR is utilized, the minimum ground coverage would be 
40 If it rains for 30 min, with an intensity of 10 cm/ hour, minimum volume of rain water that can be collected will be 
41. Choose the right kind of statutory provision to enforce integrated urban conservation
42. The average Lux required on a pavement, having width 4 m, is 8. The mounting height of the lamp (lumen 2000) is 4 m. The spacing of the lamps (for coefficient of the utilization is 0.5 and maintenance factor is 0.8) is 
43. If threshold of hearing has a sound level of zero decibels and the sound level in broadcasting studio is 1000 times the threshold of hearing, its value in decibels would be
44. The process involving the generation and management of digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of places is called as:
45. Art Nouveau was most popular between:
46. All of the following are the examples of deconstruction in Architecture, EXCEPT:
47. Which of the following is NOT a thermo-plastic resin?
48. The Book ‘Design with Nature’ is written by 
49. If D is the duration, ES and EF are the earliest start and finish, LS and LF are latest start and latest finish time, then the following relation holds good:
50. Which is valid statement for a project having three paths A - B - C with 25 days length, A - D - C with 15 days length and A - E - C with 20 days length?
51. A cantilever beam of span 2 m carries a load of 2 kN at extreme overhanging edge. Maximum bending stress  is.....................   N/sq mm. Rectangular cross section of the beam is 50 mm wide and 150 mm deep uniformly throughout.                              
52. A singly reinforced, simply supported RCC beam is 300 mm wide & 600 mm deep. Three bars of 20 mm diameter are placed as bottom reinforcement with clear cover of 25 mm. The depth of neutral axis from top is Allowable compressive strength in bending is 5 N/square mm. Allowable tensile stress in steel is 140 N/square mm. Modular ratio m = 18      
53. A propped cantilever beam has span of 4m. Its self weight is  1 kN/m & carries no other external load. Midspan shear force is _______ kN.
54. Maximum  tensile stress for a steel wire without any factor of safety is found to be 500N/sqmm. The maximum load carrying capacity of a 2 mm diameter steel wire, with factor of safety equal to 2 is -------------- kN.
55. A hollow circular steel column 3 m high is fixed at ground at free at top. Inner diameter is 15  cm & outer diameter is 30 cm. Maximum vertical load that can be carried is------------ kN. Take E= 200 GPa for steel.

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