Thursday 1 August 2019

Gate Architecture 2020 Previous year papers_2007

Answer 01- 
Wetland City Accreditation of the Ramsar Convention
The Wetland City Accreditation of the Ramsar Convention aims to further promote the conservation and wise use of urban and peri-urban wetlands, as well as sustainable socio-economic benefits for local populations.

Answer 02- 
Hazen's - William's nomogram
Size of water supply pipe lines

Answer 03- 
a road in which devices for reducing or slowing the flow of traffic have been installed.
Pavement pattern

Answer 04 - 
a group of people who share a characteristic, usually age and sex

Age and sex classification of population

Answer 05 -

Habitat, Montreal by Moshe Safdie
Habitat 67, designed by the Israeli-Canadian architect Moshe Safdie as the Canadian Pavilion for the World Exposition of 1967, was originally intended as an experimental solution for high-quality housing in dense urban environments. Safdie explored the possibilities of prefabricated modular units to reduce housing costs and allow for a new housing typology that could integrate the qualities of a suburban home into an urban high-rise.

Answer 06 - 
Degree of freedom of a joint in a plain truss


Answer 07 - 
A brick cut into two pieces so that each piece is half as wide as the full brick
Queen closer

Answer 08 - 
Strength of concrete increase with
W/C ratio decrease
In concrete, the single most significant influence on most or all of the properties is the amount of water used in the mix.
In concrete mix design, the ratio of the amount of water to the amount of cement used (both by weight) is called the water to cement ratio (w/c). These two ingredients are responsible for binding everything together.
The water to cement ratio largely determines the strength and durability of the concrete when it is cured properly. The w/c ratio refers to the ratio of the weights of water and cement used in the concrete mix.

Concrete with a higher w/c ratio is also more susceptible to cracking and shrinkage. Shrinkage leads to micro-cracks, which are zones of weakness. Once the fresh concrete is placed, excess water is squeezed out of the paste by the weight of the aggregate and the cement paste itself. When there is a large excess of water, that water bleeds out onto the surface. The micro channels and passages that were created inside the concrete to allow that water to flow become weak zones and micro-cracks.
Using a low w/c ratio is the usual way to achieve a high strength and high quality concrete, but it does not guarantee that the resulting concrete is always appropriate for concrete counter tops. Unless the aggregate gradation and proportion are balanced with the correct amount of cement paste, excessive shrinkage, cracking and curling can result. Good concrete results from good mix design, and a low w/c ratio is just one part of a good mix design.

Answer 09 - 
The point of contraflexure is the point where

bending moment changes it sign

Answer 10 - 
The wind load is accounted for in the design of structures, the permissible stress in the material are increased by

  • When the effect of wind or seismic load is taken in to account, the permissible stress in steel are increased by 33⅓ percent.
  • For rivets, bolts and tension rods, the permissible stresses are increased by 25 per cent, when the effect of wind or seismic load is taken in to account.

Answer 11 -
Arcology is the fusion of architecture with ecology,  a comprehensive urban perspective. In nature, as organisms evolve, they increase in complexity and become a more compact system.


Answer 12 - 
A dislocation of continuity in rock strata as a result of cracking the earth's crust is

Bedding plane:
The meeting planes of two adjacent layers in deposits of sedimentary origin is called bedding plane.

Fisured rock :
Broken or cracked rock is called fussured rock.

Rubble :
Natural irregular shaped but approximately cubical pieces of stones are called rubble.

Flag stone :
These stones are slabs of stones usually 2 cm to 5 cm thick. They are used for floorings or pavings.

Mineral :
It is a homogeneous matter of defiaite chemical composition and constant physical character. Earth's crust may be composed of a meneral or of an aggregate of mineral deposits.

Freestone :
It is a rock of even texture which can be ornamentally carved for buildings. It is also a rock which can be quarried by splitting easily along certain bedding planes.

Drift :
Boulder clay, sands and gravel etc., all superficial deposits of the earth's crust are called drift.

Diluvium :
Glacial deposits are called diluvium.

Eluvium :
Superficial deposits formed of fragmental material from solid deposits which have not been transported by wind or water but may have slipped down hill slopes under the action of gravity.

Crow foots :
There are veins containing dark colored uncemented materials.

Bed rocks :
Any hard rock bed underlying soft deposits is called bed rocks.

Quoins :

The corner stone having two of its faces made plane.

Answer 13 - 
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
green building certification

Answer 14 -
Chicago school movement

  • Alder
  • Sullivan
  • Le Baron Jenney
  • Burham
  • Wellborn Root

Answer 15 - 
Surkhi is called as Trass, or brick-dust
used as a substitute for sand for concrete and mortar, and has almost the same function as of sand but it also imparts some strength and hydraulicity. Surkhi is made by grinding to powder burnt bricks, brick-bats or burnt clay ; under-burnt or over-burnt bricks should not be used, nor bricks containing high proportion of sand. When clay is especially burnt for making into surkhi, an addition of 10 to 20 per cent of quick lime will improve its quality ; small clay balls are made for burning.

Answer 16 - 

Dry-order construction (masonary used without mortar) is usually supposed to be its distinguishing feature and Hemadpant who is believed to have invented this method is credited of having built such temples. But the dry-order construction is not confined to the Deccan temples alone and does not  become their peculiarity. The term Hemadpanti actually sums up what people do not understand, rather than what they know about the early mediaeval temples. These temples stand as a class by  themselves and could be distinguished from the later, temples of the Muslim-Maratha periods. So only as distinguished from the later temples of the same area, the absence of mortar becomes their peculiarity.

Answer 17 - 
A building in which the roof is perfectly hemispherical on the inside and shallow dome outside
The Roman Pantheon

Answer 18 -
National Science Centre @ Pragati Maidan
 Achyut Kanvinde
Answer 19 - 
In Islamic Architecture the device used to placing a perfect circular dome over a square plan 

Answer 20 - 
Parallel sound rays incident on a convex surface of a fibre board
Disperse and reduce in intensity

Answer 21 - 
Plan of Miletus picture

Hippodamus Grid-iron pattern

Michelangelo was commissioned to revive the Capitoline Hill in Rome. He created the Piazza del Campidoglio with a complete redesign of the plaza and the buildings surrounding it.

Michelangelo    Piazza del Campidoglio

Leon Battista Alberti  Star shaped plan
Daniel Burnham City Beautiful

Answer 22 - 
Japanese Gardens

  • Stepping stone
  • Stone lantern
  • Miniature symbolic elements
  • Stone water basins

Answer 23 -
Khajuraho Urushringa
Dravidian Gopuram
Hoysala Star shaped garbhgriha
Himalayan  Pyramidal roof

Answer 24 -  
A site has a uniform slope of 6%. the site map has seven contour lines with the elevation of the highest contour as +53 m. if the distance between the midpoint of highest and the lowest contour is 700 m, then the contour interval is
6% slope means 
if u travel 100m horizontally u go up by 6m. 
So, if u travel 700m, u get up by 42m. 
Now, 42m contains 7 contour lines. 
So, 7 contour lines will divide 42m in 6 equal parts. 
Hence, 42/6=7

Answer 25 - 

  • Low capacitance materials should be used to store heat gain
  • Stack effect is a passive cooling system True
  • Venturi effect is a passive cooling technique
  • Wind breaks are used to maximize winter wind turbulence

Answer 26 - 

Answer 27 - 

Answer 28 - 

Answer 29 - 
Answer 30 - 
Answer 31 -

Answer 32 -

Answer 33 - 

Answer 34 - 
Answer 35 -
Answer 36 -

Answer 37 -
Answer 39 -
Answer 40 -

Answer 41 -
Answer 42 -
Answer 43 -
Answer 44 -
Answer 45 -
Answer 46 -
Answer 47 -
Answer 48 -
Answer 49 -
Answer 50 -
Answer 51 -a
Answer 52 -a
Answer 53 -a
Answer 54 -a
Answer 55 -a
Answer 56 -a
Answer 57 -a
Answer 58 -a
Answer 59 -a
Answer 60 -
Answer 61 -

  • Greek  Corbelling
  • Roman Semi circular arch
  • Indian  Trabeation
  • Gothic Pointed arch

Answer 62 -
For incandescent lamps the distribution of total energy emission is
25% light & 75 % heat

Answer 63 -

  • High humid accelerates rusting and rooting Warm humid
  • High daytime temperature and rapid cooling at night cause material to crack Hot dry desert
  • Seasonal changes in relative humidity cause rapid weakening of building materials Composite or monsoon

Answer 64 -
architecture projects of International StyleImage result for Aurora house by Aldo Rossi
Aurora house by Also Rossi

Image result for Schroder house by Gerrit Rietveld
Schroder house by Gerrit Reitveld

Image result for Thematic house by Jencks and Farrell
Thematic house by Jencks and Ferrell

Image result for Tugendhat house by Mies van der Rohe
Tugendhat house by Mies van der Rohe

Image result for Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier
Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier

Answer 65 -
Tactile flooring with guiding block, an element of barrier free design, is used to aid 

  • Partially blind
  • totally blind

Answer 66 -

  • Uniform semi-circular cross section Barrel
  • Semi circular cross section larger at one end than the other Conical
  • Compound wall formed by perpendicular intersection of two vaults
  • Compound vault formed by four coves meeting along diagonal vertical planes Cloister

Answer 67 -
A 60 degree segmental arch is provided over a door of 1.0 m width. the wall thickness is 30 cm and the arch thickness is 20 cm. the mean length of the arch

Answer 68 -

  • Handling capacity of elevators for residential buildings as per Indian standards in 7.5 %
  • Minimum height from the top floor to the bottom of the lift machine room should be 3000 mm
  • Minimum width for escalators as per Indian standard is 1000 mm
  • Recommended angle with the horizontal for escalator is 30 degree

Answer 69 -
Slenderness ratio for a cantilever prismatic column of length L with a circular cross section of radius r
The effective length of a cantilever column is 2L.
Hence slenderness ratio is 2L/r

Answer 70 -
Max Dubois           Domino system
Joseph Paxton      Prefabrication
Victor Horta           Vegetal ornamentation

Answer 71 -
Answer 72 -
Answer 73 -

Answer 74 -

Answer 75 -

Answer 76 -

Answer 77 -

Answer 78 -
Answer 79 -

Answer 80 -
Flying height of the plane

Scale = focal length / flying height
so flying height = focal length x Scale
                         = 305 mm x 25000
                         = .305 x 25000
                         = 7625
flying height of plane above sea level
= flying height + terrain to sea level height
= 7625 + 300
= 7925
Answer 81 -
focal length = 210

again same formula
Scale = focal length / flying height
          = 210 / 7625 = 1/36.309
Scale = 1 / 36310

Answer 82 -
A beam of cross section 300 mm x 400 mm has overhangs both ends. the beam has a simple support of 10 meters and overhang of 5 meter each at both ends and carrying a load of 10 kN on both free ends.
Answer 83 -

Answer 84 -
RT = 0.16 V/S
0.8 = 0.16 x 3000 / S

   S =  603

Answer 85 -
RT = 0.16 V/S
      = 0.16 x 3000 / (200+600)
      = 0.6


  1. Please can you help with question number 45

    1. total weight = W acting at L/2 distance from end
      so bending moment = W x L/2 = wL/2

      hope this may help
      thank you for contacting
      sorry for incomplete answers above
      i am working on it.
      keep reading

      please check my instagram page regarding Gate exam
