Thursday 1 August 2019

Gate Architecture 2020 Previous year papers_2008

Answer 01- 

An air handling unit 
a device used to regulate and circulate air as part of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. 

  1. takes in outside air
  2. reconditions (filtered and either heated or cooled) it and 
  3. supplies it as fresh air to the air conditioned room.

The AHU is used to control the following parameters of the space.
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Air Movement
  • Air Cleanliness
Components of Air Handling Unit
Here are some of the air handling unit components that may be contained in the equipment.
  • Housing 
  • Fan
  • Cooling Coil/ Heating Coil
  • Filters
  • Humidifiers
  • Mixing Box

Answer 02- Green House Gases

The Kyoto Protocol is

an international agreement linked to the

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC

which commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets.

Recognizing that developed countries are principally responsible for the current high levels of Green House Gases emissions in the atmosphere as a result of more than 150 years of industrial activity, the Protocol places a heavier burden on developed nations under the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities."

The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005. The detailed rules for the implementation of the Protocol were adopted at COP 7 in Marrakesh, Morocco, in 2001, and are referred to as the "Marrakesh Accords." Its first commitment period started in 2008 and ended in 2012.

Answer 03- Reduce Reuse Recycle

Solid-waste management,
the collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that is discarded because it has served its purpose or is no longer useful. 
Improper disposal of municipal solid waste can create unsanitary conditions, and these conditions in turn can lead to pollution of the environment and to outbreaks of vector-borne disease—that is, diseases spread by rodents and insects. 

The tasks of solid-waste management present complex technical challenges. 
They also pose a wide variety of administrative, economic, and social problems that must be managed and solved.

Management of municipal solid waste involves: 
(a) development of an insight into the impact of waste generation, collection, transportation and disposal methods adopted by a society on the environment 
(b) adoption of new methods to reduce this impact.

Answer 04 - 

Answer 05 -
Annual Plan
An Annual Plan would contain the details of the new and ongoing projects that the local authority intends to implement during each financial year for necessary financial resource mobilization and monitoring its performance. 
The annual plan is to be prepared by the local authority in each financial year to identify the new projects, which the authority will undertake for implementation during the year, taking into account the physical and fiscal performance of the preceding year, the priorities, the policies and proposals contained in the approved Regional Plan, Development Plan or Local Area Plan.

Answer 06 - Avant Grade
A system of art appreciation characterized by an unorthodox experimental approach to appreciate visual, literature and musical aspects of a design process.
term "avant-garde" (from the French for 'vanguard') is traditionally used to describe any artist, group or style, which is considered to be significantly ahead of the majority in its technique, subject matter, or application. This is a very vague definition, not least because there is no clear consensus as to WHO decides whether an artist is ahead of his time, or WHAT is meant by being ahead. To put it another way, being avant-garde involves exploring new artistic methods, or experimenting with new techniques, in order to produce better art. The emphasis here is on design, rather than accident, since it seems doubtful that a painter or sculptor can be accidentally avant-garde.

Answer 07 - 

Answer 08 - entasis
a slight convex curve in the shaft of a column, introduced to correct the visual illusion of concavity produced by a straight shaft.

Answer 09 - Rashtrakutas and Chalukyans

Rashtrakutas overthrew the Badami/Vatapi Chalukyas around 753 AD and came to power under a valorous king Dantidurga, who was the father in law of the Pallava king Nandivarman II. Then under successors of Dantidurga like Dhruva Dharavarsha and his son Govinda (II or IV) they became a very powerful empire in what is now Karnataka, the Deccan plateau and Maharashtra with their territories extending up to Ujjain or Avantika. When they extended their empire in the Deccan plateau and moved eastwards towards Kalinga, 
they came into conflict with the cousins of the Badami Chalukyas, i.e. the Eastern chalukyas, who as it turned out became the longest ruling kingdom in South Central India and Deccan. Their kingdom was founded before 600 AD and they ruled continuously till about 1135 or 1150, after which it got merged into the Chola empire and remained a Chola protectorate till about 1220 AD.
So, with the Rashtrakutas being not only adversaries but vanquishers of the Badami Chalukyas became great adversaries of the Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi and both kingdoms fought several wars. After demise of the Rashtrakutas in 974 AD, the Eastern Chalukyas ruled independently for another 3 decades when they entered into political and marital alliance with the Cholas of Thanjavur, which was not preferred by the Later or Western Chalukyas who had dethroned the Rashtrakutas in Kannada country. So initially what became wars between Western and Eastern Chalukyas between 990–995 AD became cause of full-fledge wars between the Western Chalukyas and the Cholas of Thanjavur/Gangaikonda Cholapuram for a considerable period lasting between 1010 AD from the times of Raja Raja Chola I (with Eastern Chalukyas always being aligned to the Cholas), till about 1135 AD after which the Western Chalukyas became weak and went into oblivion by 1185–90 AD.

Rashtrakuta dynasty, Hindu dynasty that ruled the Deccan and neighboring areas of India from about 755 to 975 CE.
Chalukyas (543 - 755 A.D.)The Western Chalukyas ruled over an extensive area in the Deccan for about two centuries after which the Rashtrakutas became powerful. The family of Western Chalukyas had its offshoots like the Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi and the Chalukyas of Kalyani. Pulakesin I was the founder of the Chalukya dynasty. He established a small kingdom with Vatapi or Badami as its capital.
Art and Architecture The Chalukyas were great patrons of art. They developed the vesara style in the building of structural temples. However, the vesara style reached its culmination only under the Rashtrakutas and the Hoysalas. The structural temples of the Chalukyas exist at Aihole, Badami and Pattadakal. Cave temple architecture was also famous under the Chalukyas. Their cave temples are found in Ajanta, Ellora and Nasik. The best specimens of Chalukya paintings can be seen in the Badami cave temple and in the Ajanta caves. The reception given to a Persian embassy by Pulakesin II is depicted in a painting at Ajantha.
The Chalukya temples may be divided into two stages. The first stage is represented by the temples at Aihole and Badami. Among the seventy temples found at Aihole, four are important.
Answer 10 - Linear Regression Model
one pair of data

Answer 11 -
✔ Susceptibility to non-structural element damage in any building would high even in a moderated level earthquake
For important non structural elements, no structural analysis is required to assess vulnerability
✔ Earthquake damage to non structural elements results in loss of critical function
✔ The non structural elements can be retrofitted appropriately

Answer 12 - Recreational
the percentage of land use decrease with the increase in city size.

Answer 13 - Building Bylaws
Instrument that provides standards for land development by indicating lot size and layout.

Answer 14 -
Total Station - Survey
SatGuide - Global positioning system
GPS - Global positioning system
ILWISIntegrated Land and Water Information System/GIS
CorelDraw - a vector graphics editor
GeoMedia - dynamic GIS
ArcInfo -  full-featured GIS

Answer 15 - Modular Coordination
United Nations Standards Coordinating Committee (UNSCC)
ISO - International organization for standardization

Answer 16 - Inflorescence
Flowering characteristics
Inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis. The flowers are arranged with respect to a fixed floral axis. We will look at the various types and arrangements of flowers now.

Answer 17 - Lorenz Curve
The Lorenz curve is a way of showing the distribution of income (or wealth) within an economy.
shows the cumulative share of income from different sections of the population.
If there was perfect equality – if everyone had the same salary, the poorest 20% of the population would gain 20% of the total income. The poorest 60% of the population would get 60% of the income.

A population pyramid that is very wide at the younger ages, characteristic of countries with high birth rate and low life expectancy. The population is said to be fast-growing, and the size of each birth cohort gets larger than the size of the previous year. A population pyramid that is narrowed at the bottom.

Answer 18 - City Beautiful Movement
The Chicago World's Fair was a World's Fair held in Chicago in 1893 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World in 1492.The City Beautiful Movement was a reform philosophy of North American architecture and urban planning that flourished during the 1890s and 1900s with the intent of introducing beautification and monumental grandeur in cities. It was associated with Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and Washington, D.C.
City Planners of USA
·         Chicago- Daniel Burnham
·         Detroit- Augustus B. Woodward (1805)
·         Washington D. C. – Charles Follen McKim (1901)
·         Philadelphia-William Pen
·         New York- Gouverneur Morris, John Rutherfurd, and Simeon De Witt   

The Chicago Columbian Exposition was, designed by Daniel Burnham and Frederick Law Olmsted. It was held in Chicago in 1893 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the New World in 1492.
World Exposition: List of world expositions is a list of every world exposition sanctioned by the Bureau of International Expositions (BIE), including those recognised retrospectively. Some of the important expositions are:
1851- London- Crystal Palace (London exposition was the first exposition)
1867- Paris- Champ de Mars
1878- Paris- (Head of Statue of Liberty was exhibited)
1889- Paris- Eiffel Tower
1893- Chicago
2012- Yeosu, Japan
2015- Milan, Italy
2017- Astana, Kazakhastan.
The Congrès internationaux d’architecture nfras – CIAM (International Congresses of Modern Architecture) was an organization founded in 1928 and disbanded in 1959.
Broadacre City (1932) was an urban or suburban development concept proposed by
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867- 1959). The focus was automobile.

Answer 19 - Egg shaped
ideal cross section of combined sewerage system

Answer 20 - Venice charter
ICOMOS International council on monuments and sites
works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places. It is the only global non-government organisation of this kind, which is dedicated to promoting the application of theory, methodology, and scientific techniques to the conservation of the architectural and archaeological heritage. 

Answer 21 - Quality of insulation and quantity of glazing
Heating. cooling and ventilation in passive system designs are dependent on.

Passive building design

Designers tune the thermal characteristics of buildings so that they moderate external environmental conditions and maintain internal conditions using the minimum resources of materials and fuel.

Answer 22 -       ;   /n 
used in more than two computer language. C, AutoLISP, Basic, Pascal

Answer 23 -   p Activity
                       q duration
                       r  event starting/finish
                       s dummy activity

Answer 24 -  

Answer 25 - 
21 degree with max of 30 degree in summer and 25 degree in winter, with fresh air provisions of 18-22 liters per second per person
recommended temperature and fresh airflow for HVAC system in office buildings in India.

Answer 26 - Viollet-le-Duc      French rationalism

                     William Morris     Art & Craft Movement
                     Robert Venturi     Post Modernism
                     C A Doxiadis        Ekistics

Eugène Viollet-le-Duc
was a French architect and author who restored many prominent medieval landmarks in France, including those which had been damaged or abandoned during the French Revolution.

William Morris was a British textile designer, poet, novelist, translator, and socialist activist associated with the British Arts and Crafts Movement. He was a major contributor to the revival of traditional British textile arts and methods of production.

Robert Charles Venturi Jr. was an American architect, founding principal of the firm Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates, and one of the major architectural figures of the twentieth century.
"Less is a bore"

Constantinos Apostolou Doxiadis, often cited as C. A. Doxiadis, was a Greek architect and town planner. He was known as the lead architect of Islamabad, the new capital of Pakistan, and later as the father of ekistics.

Answer 27 -  Backwash effect based economic growth model by Gunner Myrdal

Answer 28 - Albedo value
                     Close ground crops 0.05-0.45
                     Bare land 0.15-0.45
                     Water surface 0.05-0.055
                     Snow 0.45-0.95

Albedo is a non-dimensional, unitless quantity that indicates how well a surface reflects solar energy. Albedo (ÃŽ±) varies between 0 and 1. Albedo commonly refers to the "whiteness" of a surface, with 0 meaning black and 1 meaning white. A value of 0 means the surface is a "perfect absorber" that absorbs all incoming energy. Absorbed solar energy can be used to heat the surface or, when sea ice is present, melt the surface. A value of 1 means the surface is a "perfect reflector" that reflects all incoming energy.

Answer 29 - not a criterion for defining urban area in India

  • Percentage of pucca houses

Answer 30 - Signal phasing in transport system

  • the number of combinations of traffic movement served through a signalized intersection

Answer 31 -solar constant  1.4 kw/sq m
                    air to air transmittance, U value w/sq m degree c
                    volumetric specific heal k cal/cu m degree c
                    conductivity, k value    w/m degree c

Answer 32 - B

Answer 33 - Architectural projects designed by Laurie Baker

  • Appropriate technology
  • human scale
  • use of locally available materials

Answer 34 - Liquid crystal laminated glass  requires continuous                                            electricity supply to change from translucent to transparent
                     Electro-Chromic glass require electric pulse to change from                                    transparent to opaque
                     Coated glass improves thermal performance of the glass by                                            reflecting visible light and infrared radiation
                     Tinted glass promotes absorption of both visible light and infrared                                       radiation 

Answer 35 - 

EATTEXT Exports block attribute information to a table or to an external file. This command no longer displays the Attribute Extraction wizard and has been replaced by the Data Extraction wizard.

EXPLODE Explodes a compound object when you want to modify its components separately. Objects that can be exploded include blocks, polylines, and regions, among others

Boundary creates regions or polylines from enclosed areas.

Filter   this process allowing you create selections quickly

Answer 36 - 

Answer 37 -
Stack effect
the tendency of hot air in a shaft to rise and create a draft of cool air intake

Answer 38 -
Power shovel        excavation
Front end loader   spreading and leveling
Drop hammer       piling
Earth auger          drilling

Answer 39 -
Norman Foster
Richard Rogers
James Carpenter

"Contemporary architecture has made a shift from machine based modernist approach to passive energy sensitive approach"  architects representing this shift

Answer 40 - Par le de Villete
Bernard Tschumi

Point grid, superimposition and agglomeration of activities

Answer 41 -
Grid organization and linear planner organization
The predominant characteristics of spatial organization principles found in works of Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright are characterized respectively by 

Answer 42 -
The Blue and the red series of Le Modular

The ratios represented by two number series 70:113:183 and 86:140:226 stands respectively for

Answer 43 -
Obliqueness in projection of faces of the object on vertical plane

the difference between an axonometric projection and an isometric projection of an object with respect to a picture plane in terms of

Answer 44 -
Pendentives and cul de four

A squinch system is a method of constructing an arch across a square base by erecting

Answer 45 -
Nile valley Civilization                             Akhetaton

Indus valley Civilization                          Harappa
Euphrates and Tigris valley Civilization  Babylon
Yellow river Civilization                           Shang

Answer 46 -

Answer 47 -
Rank Size rule
The study of varying population sizes of urban centers in a region is assessed by

Answer 48 -
Grama- Khetaka-Kharvata-Nagara

Traditional Indian settlement, ascending order

Answer 49 - 
Natural resources, Physiography and Economic linkage
Formal regions and Functional regions are determined by

Answer 50 - 73rd 74th amendment act 1992
Nagar-panchayat and District planning committees introduced 

Answer 51 - Concept of 'Slum Networking' aims to promote
Slum Networking is a community driven approach which sees slums not as resource draining liabilities, but as opportunities of sustainable change for the city as a whole. 
The programme involves the building of low-cost service trunks which include gravity-based systems of sewerage and storm drainage, the planting of gardens, and the surfacing of roads.
  • Social and physical development of slum
  • Holistic development in conformity with the infrastructure of the city

Answer 52 - Shells and Space frame are example of modular Surface- active and Vector-active systems respectively.
  • Form active- Cable structures, Tent structures, Pneumatic structures, Arch structures.
  • Vector active- Flat trusses, Curved trusses, Transmitted flat trusses, space trusses.
  • Section active- Beam, Rigid frame, beam grid, slab structure
  • Surface active- Plate structures, folded plate, shell structures.

Answer 53 - The Law of Vicinity states that
the objects of similar form situated close enough together are perceived as one.. 

Answer 54 - Luminaire Efficiency
Luminaire efficiency is the ratio of light output emitted by the luminaire to the light output emitted by its lamps. Another way of looking at it: Luminaire efficiency is the percentage of light output produced by the lamps that are in turn emitted by the luminaire. 
  • sum of light outputs of the lamp operating inside the luminaire to the ration of the sum of the light output of the luminaire operating outside the luminaire.

Answer 55 - 
Concept of 'Slum Networking' aims to promote
Slum Networking is a community driven approach which sees slums not as resource draining liabilities, but as opportunities of sustainable change for the city as a whole. 

Answer 56 -
Demand and supply curve
negative and positive correlations between price and quantity of commodity are respectively represented by

Answer 57 -
Sarvatrabhadra, Prastrata, Chaturmukha
traditional Indian settlement pattern based on orthogonal grid are represented by

Answer 58 -
Cluster pattern and segregated allocation of zoning
Plan of Mohenjodaro and medieval Jaipur city are based on

Answer 59 -

  • Frank Gehry    Bilbao Guggenheim Museum 
  • Norman Foster    Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank
  • I M Pie    Pyramide du Louvre
  • James Stirling    Neu Staatsgaleri

Answer 60 -

  • density of population
  • per capita income and its distribution

The most appropriate criteria to be considered for delineating backward regions

Answer 61 -
Facility of transforming from one voltage to another

advantage of AC supply over DC supply

Answer 62 -
Age sex pyramids

Population Growth

Answer 63 -

  • The land area necessary to supply natural resources to a community and disposal of its waste
Ecological Footprints

The simplest way to define ecological footprint would be to call it the impact of human activities measured in terms of the area of biologically productive land and water required to produce the goods consumed and to assimilate the wastes generated. More simply, it is the amount of the environment necessary to produce the goods and services necessary to support a particular lifestyle.

Answer 64 -
Potometer Transpiration
potometer is a device used for measuring the rate of water uptake of a leafy plant shoot. The main reason for water uptake by a cut shoot is transpiration (evaporation in plants) and is affected by the transpiration stream.

Histogram Statistics
A histogram is an accurate representation of the distribution of numerical data. It is an estimate of the probability distribution of a continuous variable and was first introduced by Karl Pearson. It differs from a bar graph, in the sense that a bar graph relates two variables, but a histogram relates only one.

Electrostatic Percipitator Suspended particles
An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is a filtration device that removes fine particles, like dust and smoke, from a flowing gas using the force of an induced electrostatic charge minimally impeding the flow of gases through the unit.

Planimeter Area measurement
Planimeter is an instrument used in surveying to compute the area of any given plan. Planimeter only needs plan drawn on the sheet to calculate area. Generally, it is very difficult to determine the area of irregular plot. So, by using planimeter we can easilycalculate the area of any shape.

Potentiometer Soil moisture measurement

Answer 65 -
  • The aim of the conservation is to retain or recover the cultural significance of a place.
  • Preservation is appropriate where the existing state of the fabric itself constitutes of specific cultural significance.
  • Restoration is appropriate only if there is sufficient evidence of an earlier state of the fabric and only if returning the fabric to that state recovers the cultural significance of the place.
  • Reconstruction is appropriate where a place is incomplete through the damage or alteration and where it is necessary for its survival, or where it recovers the cultural significance of the place as a whole.

Answer 66 -
Fi = Fi-1 +Fi-2   i >1 given Fi and F0

fibonacci series

Answer 67 -

associated with planning of Paris and Philadelphia

Answer 68 -
saddle surface shell structure

  • region of downward curvature exhibit arch like action
  • region of downward curvature behave as a cable structure

Answer 69 - 
Facility of transforming from one voltage to another
advantage of AC supply over DC supply

Answer 70 - C++

Answer 71 - Total outgoing
[( gross rent x 12 ) 10%]+municipal tax + other exp.
= 27000+32000+16000
= 75000

Answer 72 - Annual rent
gross rent x 12 ) - total outgoing
= 270000 - 75000
= 195000

Answer 73 - Capitalized value
= ( net rent x perpetuity )
= (195000 x 12.5)
= 2437500 

Answer 74 - Level of urbanization
= ( urban population x 100 ) / total population
= (28.09 x 100) / 251.32
= 11.18 

Answer 75 - Annual growth rate during 1921 - 31
Decadal growth = 33.46 - 28.09 = 5.37
Annual growth = Decadal growth / 10 = 5.37/10 = 0.53

Answer 76 - Arbitrator
In professional practice, when there are disputes among the architects, clients, and contractors regarding the building construction or contract, then to resolve the issues the expert/ experts appointed for the same is/ are termed as.

Answer 77 - Referee
When there is dispute among the above Experts then another expert is appointed to resolve the issue .

Answer 78 - Reverberation time
RT = 0.16 x V/S

Answer 79 - Absorption coefficient
S = 0.16 x (3.5 x 500) / 1.25
    = 358.4 
    = 358 sq. m. 

Answer 80 - Ventilation heat flow rate
= volume of room/ (air change x temperature difference)
= 27 / (3 x 12) 
= 27 / 36
= 0.70 kW

Answer 81 -  Cress section area of supply duct
= (heat flow rate x air velocity ) / (10 x temperature diff.)
= (0.7 x 2) / (10 x 12) 
= 1.4 / 120
= 0.0116 sq. m.

Answer 82 -  

 1,00,000/7500 = 13.33 = 14-15 senior secondary school

Answer 83 -
area per school = 1.60 ha
So, total land requirement = 1.6 x 15 = 24 = 25 ha

Answer 84 - cost of land 
C = [(104/net density P) x (land use% q /100)]x land rates S

Answer 85 - cost of the land per dwelling unit
                          =150 x 500
                          = 75000

Please comment for answers or any suggestions

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