Thursday 1 August 2019

Gate Architecture 2020 Previous year papers_2006

Answer 01- 

Answer 02- 

Answer 03- 

Answer 04 - 

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Answer 06 - 

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Answer 09 - 

Answer 10 - 

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Answer 13 - 

Answer 14 -

Answer 15 - 

Answer 16 - 
In an Ecosystem, Heterotrophs refer to organisms thatt
An organism that cannot manufacture its own food and instead obtains its food and energy by taking in organic substances, usually plant or animal matter. All animals, protozoans, fungi, and most bacteria are heterotrophs.

use chemical energy to transform inorganic matter to organic matter

Answer 17 - 
Cove lighting is a type of indirect lighting focused

upward from an interior cornice at the edge of a ceiling

Answer 18 - 
In contour analysis, no-cut no fill line  - 

joins plains with same elevation

Answer 19 - 
A sewer treatment unit that works on principle of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter is called

activated slug plant

Answer 20 - 
The science of acquiring information about the earth's surface without actually being in contact with it.

Remote sensing

Answer 21 - 
The essential component of Buddhist Stupa architecture are

  • Torana
  • Pradakshina path
  • Harmika

Answer 22 - 

  • Radburn                   town of the motor age
  • Broadacre                linear city
  • Chandigarh              Sectoral plan
  • Letchworth               garden city

Answer 23 -  
The three qualities defining our perception of chromatic light


Answer 24 - 
Brick work                                  Cu.M
Steel work                                  Tonne
Plastering                                    sq.m.
Nosing                                       running meter

Answer 25 - 
Basic element of Ekistics
The science of human settlements.

Answer 26 -
The de Stijl movement in architecture was characterized by

  • Rectangular firms
  • Primary color 

Answer 27 - 
Gable roof
Rainbow roof
Gambrel room
Hip roof

Answer 28 - 
A line segment PQ is devided into two parts using Golden mean ratio. segment A is smaller than segment B. the only relationship  that holds true for the line PQ is

  • A/B = B / (A+B)

1/1.618 = 1.618 / (1+1.618) = 0.618

Answer 29 - 
A typical fire fighting underground static tank for a 20m high building should have a pump capacity

2400 gallons / min and pressure of 3.0 N/sq. mm

Answer 30 - 
The first term of fibonacci series are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ......   
the sixth term of the series will be

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,..

Answer 31 -


Answer 32 -


Answer 33 - 


Answer 34 - 


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Answer 80 -
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Answer 85 -

Please comment for any suggestion or correction........

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