Thursday 1 August 2019

Gate Architecture 2020 Previous year papers_2009

Answer 01- 
CPM- Critical Path Method
Deterministic approach

PERT- Program Evolution review technique
Probabilistic approach

Answer 02- 
Min. Thickness of a wall where single Flemish bond can be used
One-brick thick

Answer 03- 
On the color wheel, the combination of 'Violet-yellow' or 'Orange-Blue' are best described as


Answer 04 - 
The sudden stoppage in flow of water in a closed conduit results in a phenomenon is called

Water hammer

Cavitation is a phenomenon in which rapid changes of pressure in a liquid lead to the formation of small vapor-filled cavities, in places where the pressure is relatively low. When subjected to higher pressure, these cavities, called "bubbles" or "voids", collapse and can generate an intense shock wave.

Hydraulic gradient
The Hydraulic Gradient is a vector gradient between two or more hydraulic head measurements over the length of the flow path.

Stack effect
Stack effect or chimney effect is the movement of air into and out of buildings, chimneys, flue-gas stacks, or other containers, resulting from air buoyancy. Buoyancy occurs due to a difference in indoor-to-outdoor air density resulting from temperature and moisture differences.

Answer 05 -
73rd and 74th constitutional amendments pertain to

providing more responsibility to municipal and local bodies for planning and development

Answer 06 - 
Number of intersecting arches in Bijapur Gol Bunbaz


Answer 07 - 
Simply supported beam 
length = L
Load = P
Bending Moment at the center of the beam
= PL/4

Answer 08 - 
Desire Line is associated with

Origin - Destination analysis in transport planning
A desire path is a path created as a consequence of erosion caused by human or animal foot-fall traffic. The path usually represents the shortest or most easily navigated route between an origin and destination. Width and erosion severity can be indicators of how much traffic a path receives.

Answer 09 - 
The Energy Research Institute

Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment

Answer 10 - 
A Cul- de-sac is a street where
a street or passage closed at one end

  • Through traffic is discouraged

Answer 11 -
'Usonian' house were designed by

Frank Lloyd Wright

Answer 12 - 
Increase in volume of fine aggregates due to the presence of moisture is called
The increase in moisture of sand increases the volume of sand. The reason is that moisture causes film of water around sand particles which results in the increase of volume of sand. For a moisture content percentage of 5 to 8 there will be an increase in volume up to 20 to 40 percent depending upon sand. If the sand is more fine there will be more increase in volume. This is known as bulking of sand.

Bulking of sand

Answer 13 - 
The pattern language theory was propounded by

Christopher Alexander

Answer 14 -
As per IS:456-2000 the maximum area of tension reinforcement in a RCC beam shall not exceed XXX
of its cross section area.

Answer 15 - 

Earth work computation

Answer 16 - 
The property of concrete measured by slump test

Answer 17 - 
Sustainable Development

  • meets the needs of the present generation
  • without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs

Answer 18 - 
The remote sensing satellite that gives the highest spatial resolution

Answer 19 - 
parameter that does not appears in a Psychometric chart

  • wind speed

A psychrometric chart for a given location can tell you information about temperature (wet bulb and dry bulb) and humidity (relative and absolute).

Answer 20 - 
Allowable stress in the design of a tension member in a steel truss is a function of
Cross section area of the member

Answer 21 - 
Parameter for determining human development scale

  • Education
  • Life expectancy
  • per-capita income / per-capita gross domestic product
Answer 22 - 
Hippodamus                                Agora
Vitruvius                                     Aqueducts
Michelangelo                              Campidoglio
Constantine                                  Hagia Sophia

Answer 23 -  
Full enclosure                            1
Threshold of enclosure              1/2
Minimum enclosure                   1/3
Loss of enclosure                       1/4    


Answer 24 - 
Solid waste management

  • Collection
  • Segregation
  • Treatment
  • Transport

Answer 25 - 
District                        Recognizable as having some common 
                                    identifying character
Landmark                   Predominant visual feature of the city
Node                           Center of activity
Pathways                    networks of major and minor routes

Answer 26 -

  • Area = 100 m x 80 m  = 8000 sq. m.
  • FSI = 3.0
  • Ground coverage = 50%  =  8000x50/100 = 4000
  • Min. number of floors = ?
  • Builtup area = 8000x3 = 24000 sq.m.
  • Number of floors = 24000/4000 = 6 nos.

Answer 27 - 
The principles of Universal Design incudes

  • Flexibility of use
  • Tolerance for error
  • Low physical efforts

Answer 28 - 
Hemispherical dome                                Anda
Peripheral railing                                     Vedika
Entrance gateway                                    Torana
Portion above dome                                 Hermika

Answer 29 - 
microwave oven - 3kW    - 30 minuts
water geyser        - 1kW    - 15 minuts
5 fluorescent lamp - 60 W - 6 hrs

total consumed power  = ?

total consumed power
microwave oven = 3kW x 30 minuts  = 1.5 kW
water geyser        = 1kW x  15 minuts  = 0.25 kW
5 fluorescent lamp = 60 W x 6 hrsx5=  1.80 kW

Total = 3.55 kWh

Answer 30 - 
National Olympic stadium Beijing        Herzog de Meuron
Glass Pyramid The Louvre, Paris          I M Pie
Millennium Dome London                    Richard Rogers
Kansai Airport, Osaka                           Renzo Piano

Answer 31 -


Answer 32 -
Brick cuts

Answer 33 - 

Answer 34 - 
Climber                 Bougainvillea
Shrub                    Croton
Tree                      Shirish
Hedge                   Duranta

Answer 35 -
Area = 200 hectares
gross density = 300 pph
Residential area = 60 % of 200 hectares = 120 hectares

net density = ?

gross density = population/ total area

 population = 300 x 200 = 60000 

 net density = population/ residential area
                   = 60000/ 120
                   = 500 pph

Answer 36 -
Hazen's & William's nomogram to calculate pipe diameter for water supply

Population to be served
head loss in m/m
velocity in m/s

Answer 37 -
Dome with a huge central cut-out at the top - Pantheon
Dome with slit windows at the springing level - Hagia Sophia
Dome with an elliptical base - Pisa Cathedral
Dome on a drum with a lantern on top - St. Peter's Cathedral

Answer 38 -
National Dairy Development Board, N.Delhi - A P kanvinde
National Institute of Immunology, n.Delhi - Raj Rewal
IIM Banglore - B V Doshi
Jodhpur University - U C Jain

Answer 39-
Urban functions included in Social Infrastructure

  • Schools & Colleges
  • Hospitals & clinics
  • Parks & Plaza
  • Malls & Markets

Answer 40 -
Tomb of Sher Shah    octagonal plan
Tomb of Ghias-uddin-Tughlaq - irregular pentagon site plan
Humayun's Tomb - persian dome
Akbar's Tomb  - gateway with four minarets

Answer 41 -
Framed tube  Q
Bundled tube  S
Braced tube  R
Perforated shell tube   P

Answer 42 -
Population = 50000
household size = 5.0
occupied dwelling unit = 8400
in dilapidated condition = 8400 10/100 = 840 
housing demand = ?

dwelling units at current = occupied - dilapidated = 8400-840=7560

required dwelling units = population / household size
                                      =  50000/5 = 10000

Housing demand = required dwelling - dwelling at current
                            =  10000 - 7560
                            =  2440

Answer 43 -
Hypostyle hall             Egyptian architecture
Ziggurat                      Assyrian architecture
Acropolis                    Greek architecture
Triumphal arch           Roman architecture

Answer 44 -
Homer Hoyt    sector model
Earnest Burgess   concentric zone theory

Harris & Ullman  multiple nuclei model

Answer 45 -
Four stage model used for transportation planning

  • Trip generation
  • trip distribution
  • modal split
  • trip assignment

Answer 46 -

Answer 47 -
Eminent domain - inherent power of state to seize private property without the owner's consent
Police power  -  regulating behavior and enforcing order within the state territory
Transfer of development rights - protecting land by reassigning the rights to develop from one area to another

Answer 48 -
Roof top area =  300 sq.ft
rainfall  =  700 mm
runoff coefficient  = 0.8 (rooftop)

Max. amount of rainfall
= runoff coefficient x rainfall intensity x area
= 300 sq.m  x 0.8 x 700 mm
= 300 sq.m  x 0.8  x .7 m
=  168 cu.m
= 168 x 1000  ltr.
= 168000 ltr.

Answer 49 -
  • Cement
  • Fly-ash
  • Surkhi

Answer 50 -

  • Voussoir : The wedge shaped blocks that make up the arch and  prevent each other from slipping.
  • Crown:  Voussoirs at the top of the arch.
  • Keystone : The topmost voussior of the arch that balance the network of all voussiors.
  • Pier :A support/ pillar on which the arch rests springer : The top stone/ voussoir that placed first on the pier to start the arch.
  • Intrados :Interior/Inner  surface of the arch.
  • Extrados :Exterior/Outer  surface of the arch.
  • Impost :A stone which is slightly projected that surmounts the pier and the voussoirs.
  • Haunch: Side of the arch, extends from crown towards impost.
  • Spandrel :Wall surface bordered by the curve of the arch, the start of another wall and the horizontal part above it.

    Answer 51 -

    normal project duration

    Answer 52 -
    Critical activity of the project

    Answer 53 -
    Volume = 2000 cu.m   (v)
    total absorption = 80 sq.m sabines     (s)

    • Reverberation time = 0.161 V / S
                                   = 0.161 x 2000 / 80
                                   = 4 sec

    Answer 54 -
    Reverberation time = 2.0 s

    •  total absorption = 0.161 V / RT
                                     = 0.161 x 2000 / 2
                                     = 161 sq.m sabines

    Answer 55 -
    Area = 60 sq.m
    floor height = 3 m
    occupancy = 5 persons
    external wall area = 40 sq.m
    double glazed window  = 4 sq.m
    thermal transmittance rate of external wall = 0.35
    thermal transmittance rate of external window = 2.0
    external temp. = 34 degree c
    internal temp.  = 22 degree c

    heat gain through the external walls and window

    Answer 56 -
    air extracted = 20 ltr. / sec / person

    ventilation rate = 

    Answer 57 -

    Answer 58 -

    Answer 59 -
    Answer 60 -


    Please comment for any suggestion or correction........ 

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