Monday 22 July 2019

Gate Architecture_ Previous year papers_1993

Gate 1993

  • The plan of Brasilia was done by
1.     Le Corbusier
2.     Ebenezer Howard
3.     Lucio Costa
4.     Patrick Geddes

  • The residential area density is normally expressed in terms of
1.     Sq. m/ person
2.     Person/ hectare
3.     No of habitable rooms/ hectare
4.     Dwelling units/ hectare
Population density– Population density is the number of people per unit of area, usually hectare or square kilometer. Population Density is of various types and is calculated as per requirement.

Town/Overall Density – It is calculated for a whole town or city. Generally used for predicting the population growth, finding population growth trend and forecasting. 
Town/Overall Density =Total Population/Total Land use Area (Residential)
Gross Residential Density (GRD) – It is the number of housing units divided by gross residential area .Gross residential area includes all facilities upto neighborhood level like parks, collector road and school, school. GRD is generally expressed in units per hectare. Gross Residential Density = Total Population/Gross Residential Area
Net Residential Density (NRD) – It is a measure of housing density expressed as dwelling units per hectare. The net residential area includes only residential plot area (including access roads & incidental open spaces) and can be calculated as follows:       
Net Residential Density =Number of dwellings/Net Residential Area
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) – FAR is the ratio of total net floor area of a building to the total lot area. FAR describes the intensity of the use on a site.

  • 1 KB of computer ram is equal to
1.     800 bytes
2.     1000 bytes
3.     1016 bytes
4.     1024 bytes
1 KB = 1024 Bytes
1 MB = 1024 * 1024 Bytes
1 GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 Bytes

  • Weep holes are necessary for
1.     wall footing
2.     structure strength
3.     wall pressure release
4.     appearance

Weep Holes are provided in earth retaining structures like 
retaining walls, 
wing walls and 
other below ground drainage structures

  • Bhubaneswar, the capital of Orrisa was designed by
1.     Charles Correa
2.     Otto Konigsberger
3.     Le Corbusier
4.     N C Panigrahi
The modern city was designed by the German architect Otto Königsberger in 1946. Along with Jamshedpur and Chandigarh, it was one of modern India's first planned cities. Bhubaneswar and Cuttack are often referred to as the 'twin cities of Odisha. The metropolitan area formed by the two cities had a population of 1.7 million in 2011. Bhubaneswar is categorized as a Tier-2 city. An emerging information technology (IT) and education hub, Bhubaneswar is one of the country's fastest-developing cities.

  • The core house concept refers to one of the form of
1.     urban design
2.     low cost housing
3.     urban land use model
4.     traffic survey
The care-house concept, the idea of a house growing over time, is a phenomenon natural to the process of dwelling. Transformation in the physical environment is as characteristic in artificial systems such as settlements as it is in the natural, and the growth and change of parts or wholes of environmental systems is today a subject of bath theoretical! interest and practical importance. Freedom to grow and modify at the scale of the house has for centuries been an attribute associated with living in a house. 

  • For a complementary scheme, blue-violet should be associated with
1.     Red-Orange
2.     Yellow-Orange
3.     Red-Violet
4.     none of above
Using a color wheel and a template, the relationships between colors are easy to identify.
Monochromatic Relationship Colors that are shade or tint variations of the same hue.
Complementary Relationship Those colors across from each other on a color wheel.
Split-Complementary Relationship One hue plus two others equally spaced from its complement.
Double-Complementary Relationship Two complementary color sets; the distance between selected complementary pairs will affect the overall contrast of the final composition.
Analogous Relationship Those colors located adjacent to each other on a color wheel.
Triad Relationship Three hues equally positioned on a color wheel.

  • ·        The most suitable term for a plant which is not evergreen is

  1. 1.     Dead
  2. 2.     Deciduous
  3. 3.     Creeper
  4. 4.     Topiary

Deciduous (of a tree or shrub) shedding its leaves annually.
Creeper is a plant that grows, typically along the ground or up a building, by slowly spreading out, or a small bird that moves around in plants and vegetation.
Topiary: the art or practice of clipping shrubs or trees into ornamental shapes.

  • Visual balance is a result of -
1.     Balancing of product of size, weight, location
2.     Equal size of foreground and background
3.     Direction of movement in visual composition
4.     Use of elements of matching colour

  • Of the following landscapes, one that produce heat island -
  • 1.     Coastal area
  • 2.     Mountain range
  • 3.     Urban area
  • 4.     Island

  • Match the followings -
  • 1.     Gandhinagar                                    Ranjit Sabiki
  • 2.     The living city                                   Charles Correa
  • 3.     Microprocessor                                Soriya Y Mata
  • 4.     Grafting                                            Charles Abraham
  • 5.     Belapur artist’s village                     Mewada
  • 6.     Squatter settlement                         Frank Lloyd Wright
  • 7.     Autoslip                                            Plantation
  • 8.     Eutrophication                                  Software
  • 9.     Linear city                                         Airflow
  • 10. Wake geometry                               Lake
  • 11. Yamuna housing complex              Hardware
  • 12. Visual perception                             Grass
  • 13. Weeding                                           Gestalt
  • 14. Emerging urban pattern                  Edmund N Bacon
  • 15. Design of cities                                Victor Gruen

  • What do the following abbreviation stand for -
  • 1.     DPI                      National Housing Bank 4
  • 2.     EIS                       User Centred Design 5
  • 3.     CBD                     Environmental Impact Statement 2
  • 4.     NHB                     Dots Per Inch 1
  • 5.     UCD                    Central Business District 3
DPI stands for Dots Per Inch which technically means printer dots per inch. Today it is a term often misused, usually to mean PPI, which stands for Pixels Per Inch. So when someone says they want a photo that is 300 dpi they really mean that they want 300 ppi.
central business district (CBD) is the commercial and business center of a city. In larger cities, it is often synonymous with the city's "financial district"
Environmental Impact Statement, or EIS, is a document that describes the impacts on the environment as a result of a proposed action. It also describes impacts of alternatives as well as plans to mitigate the impacts.
  • A special type of earth of volcanic origin used in roman concrete -
  • 1.     Tufa
  • 2.     Pozzolana
  • 3.     Travertine
  • 4.     Vaulted
  • 5.     None
Volcanic dusts, called pozzolana or "pit sand", were favored where they could be obtained. Pozzolana makes the concrete more resistant to salt water than modern-day concrete. The pozzolanic mortar used had a high content of alumina and silica. Tuff was often used as an aggregate.

  • The crowning block of stepped pyramidal roofing over shikhara must be -
  • 1.     Dowelled
  • 2.     Monolithic
  • 3.     Vaulted
  • 4.     Trabeated

  • The Crystal Palace London was a -
  • 1.     Cast iron frame structure
  • 2.     Concrete flat roof construction
  • 3.     Wooden frame structure
  • 4.     Wrought iron structure

  • The column free exhibition hall of Pragati Maidan, Delhi is -
  • 1.     In-situ concrete triangular square frame
  • 2.     Large scale mechanized plant
  • 3.     A contemporary version of traditional chhatri
  • 4.     A contemporary version of stone and reinforced cement concrete

  • The vent pipe in the sewer line of a house is used  -
  • 1.     To protect seal in the trap
  • 2.     To ventilate the bath room
  • 3.     To ventilate the overhead tank
  • 4.     None

  • Sound insulation will be maximum in -
  • 1.     One an d half brick thick wall
  • 2.     Cavity wall having two leaves each of half brick thickness with 5cm cavity
  • 3.     20 cm thick hollow concrete block
  • 4.     Partition wall made of gypsum board fixed on the timber frame

  • In the design of a mud wall, the resultant vertical and lateral forces should pass through -
  • 1.     The inner edge of the wall
  • 2.     The outer edge of the wall
  • 3.     The middle third of the section
  • 4.     The inner one third of the section

  • The min. diameter of longitudinal reinforcement in R. C. column is -
  • 1.     8 mm
  • 2.     10 mm
  • 3.     12 mm
  • 4.     16 mm

  • The critical path of CPM network -
  • 1.     The minimum path
  • 2.     The maximum path
  • 3.     The optimum path
  • 4.     None

  • Match the following -
  • 1.     Pylon                   Sky component 4
  • 2.     Glazed brick        Batching 3
  • 3.     Concrete             Railing 5
  • 4.     Daylight factor    Entrance 1
  • 5.     Vedica                 Ziggurat 2

  • Indian remote satellites are placed from the earth at a distance of -
  • 1.     500-700 Km
  • 2.     700-900 Km
  • 3.     900-1200 Km
  • 4.     None

  • Property tax is calculated, based upon -
  • 1.     Land value of the property
  • 2.     Cost of construction of building
  • 3.     Annual rental value of the property
  • 4.     Floor area of the building
The formula used by Mumbai Municipal Corporation is given below:
Property tax = base value × built-up area × Age factor × type of building × category of use × floor factor.

  • Author of Concentric Zone Theory is -
  • 1.     Homer Hoyt
  • 2.     Chauncy D Harris
  • 3.     Earnest W Burgess
  • 4.     Edward D Ullman

  • Panchayati Raj system outlines -
  • 1.     Form of urban governance
  • 2.     The three tier rural local self-governance
  • 3.     Center state relationship
  • 4.     None

  • The distribution of trip between traffic zone can be estimated by -
  • 1.     All or nothing technique
  • 2.     Diversion curve technique
  • 3.     Gravity model
  • 4.     Modal split

  • Line node diagram is used as a base for -
  • 1.     Estimating trip generation
  • 2.     Assigning traffic
  • 3.     Calculating modal split
  • 4.     None

  • In a septic tank -
  • 1.     Aerobic reaction takes place
  • 2.     Anaerobic reaction takes place
  • 3.     Chemical reaction takes place
  • 4.     Atomic reaction takes place

  • The flow in a water supply pipe is -
  • 1.     Pressure flow
  • 2.     Gravity flow
  • 3.     Free flow
  • 4.     None

  • The structure plan concept was first adopted under the town and country planning act (UK) in the year -
  • 1.     1944
  • 2.     1968
  • 3.     1974
  • 4.     1980

  • The first city improvement trust was created in India at -
  • 1.     Calcutta
  • 2.     Madras
  • 3.     Bombay 1898
  • 4.     Kanpur

  • Match the following -
  • 1.     Stereoscope                                    Buchanan 4
  • 2.     Diagnosis before treatment             Bernoulli 5
  • 3.     Megalopolis                                     Aerial photo 1
  • 4.     Traffic in town                                  Patrick Geddes 2
  • 5.     Energy equation                              Jean Gottmann 3

1 comment:

  1. need more please comment or text me for any help @8107399664
